It’s Spring Cleaning time! Don’t forget to take care of your fence.

The good news is that spring is finally here. The bad news is that your fence may be worse for the wear. Now’s the time to assess the damage and take any necessary action, so your fence will be in good shape throughout the summer.

Spring cleaning: Leaves and other debris can land on or around your fence rails or become lodged between boards. As it decays, it can spread rot to the wood in your fence. As you clear away debris check for any rotting sections and stains.

Check for weather damage: Winter can bring bouts of bad weather that dislodge posts, knock over rails and slats and expose fences to rot and rust. Take a walk along your fence and look for obvious signs of damage. Check each fence post to make sure it’s stable. Run a piece of string along the tops to make sure they’re all still straight. You can use a screwdriver to check each post for sponginess (indicating rot).

If you need help with repairs or think you may need a new fence, we’re here to help. Roark Fencing offers free estimates and we’ll haul away your old fence at no charge. Call us at (859) 983-0269 for our next available appointment.